How to Fix iTunes Not Recognizing iPhone Issue

You just plugged your iPhone into the computer, but there happens nothing. The reason can be any and iTunes will not recognise your iPhone. If this is what you are going through then the article will help you learn the fix that is helpful.

iTunes not Recognising My iPhone- Why?

When you face this problem it can be due to the following reasons

Issues with lightning cable

iPhone’s Lightning port

Computer’s USB port,

iPhone/computer software

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Here is how you can fix the issue – iTunes not recognising your iPhone

Check the Lightning Cable

There are possibilities iTunes not recognising your iPhone due to some issues with the Lightning cable. In case there is a damage that occurred in Lightning cable, it may fail to connect iPhone to the computer.

Hence, check the Lightning cable and also inspect if there is any fraying or damage. You can try to use your friend’s lightning cable if you think there is an issue with yours.

Cable should be MFi-Certified?

MFi- certification is the sign of trust from Apple for all iPhone cables. MFi- certified Lightning cables basically are those cables that are 100% safe for use with iPhone. So, cheap cables from local stores can harm your iPhone by resulting in overheating which in turn can harm the internal parts of your iPhone.

Check iPhone’s Lightning Port

Another thing you should do is to check iPhone’s Lightning port. In case there is lot of dust and dirt on it, it may fail to connect to dock connectors existing on the Lightning cable.

So, clean the dirt and dust present inside the Lightning port using anti-static brush/new toothbrush.

Update Latest Version Of iTunes

In case where there is an old version of iTunes running on your PC, it may result in issue where iTunes will not recognise your iPhone.

Restart iPhone

There are chances that even the small fault in software prevents the iPhone from getting recognised by iTunes. You can fix this issue by restarting iPhone. Also, reboot your PC while restarting iPhone to fix the issues at once.

Do not forget to Tap – Trust This Computer

You may often get a pop up that asks if you wish your iPhone to – “Trust” your computer When you connect the iPhone to your computer for the first time, this pop-up appears.  You will be actually permitting your iPhone to connect with iTunes when you tap on “Trust”

There are possibilities of iTunes not recognising your iPhone simply because it doesn’t trust your PC. So, whenever you view the pop up that says -“Trust This Computer?” makes sure you tap – Trust always when using your PC.

What if you Tapped – “Don’t Trust” by mistake?

In case that happens mistakenly, during the update, head to – Settings—General–Reset –Reset Location & Privacy.

So, when the your iPhone is connected to your PC you view the pop-up saying – “Trust This Computer?” again, make sure you tap- Trust.

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